• Interest Inventories
    Using results from interest inventories can help people determine a pathway that may fit their interests, strengths, and abilities. Use the links below to take some career related assessments to help guide you on your way to major and/or career selection!

    Holland Code Assessment: The Holland Code assessment is used by matching parts of a person's personality with a career choice. There are 6 different "types": Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Executive, Conventional; and each person has a 2-3 letter "code" that fits their working personality. Take the Holland Code Quiz

    Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment: The MBTI is a wonderful assessment which looks at a person's interest and matches them with career choices. This will give you a 4 letter "code" made up of dichotomies such as: Extrovert/Introvery, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, and Perceiving/Judging. Take a version of the MBTI at the Jung Typology Test website

    O*Net Interest Profiler: The O*Net Interest Profiler website is another form of assessment to help match a persons interests/abilities with a career.

    What Now..?

    Once you have your two types of codes, you can browse careers that match them! Some great websites to do career searching are O*Net (onetonline.org) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (bls.gov/ooh). 

    MI Bright Future (mibrightfuture.org) has Michigan-specific career information that is based on the national O*Net database.

    Want to stay in Michigan? Check out the Hot 50 list put out by the State of Michigan.  They identify Michigan's Hot 50