• Weekly Homework

    Spelling- Spelling pre-test is on Monday, then the final test is on Friday. 

    Spelling and Writing Conventions Homework- Assigned on Friday and due back on the following Friday 

    Reading Comprehension Homework-Assigned on Friday and is due back the following Friday.

    Math Homework- Assigned throughout the week Monday-Thursday and is due back the following day.

  • Weekly Spelling and Writing Convention Skills

    A spelling pre-test is given on Monday that corresponds with the Reading Street phonics skill being practiced each week. The pre-test is scored and given back to your child to take home and study for the final spelling test on Friday. 

    Every Friday students will receive a yellow phonics and writing conventions worksheet in their Daily Homework Folder. This homework helps students to practice the Reading Street Phonics skills and Writing convention skills that they will be learning about in the classroom the following week. Please sign the homework after it is completed. This homework is due back the following Friday.

  • Reading Homework Routine 

    Students will receive a blue reading comprehension worksheet in their Daily Homework Folder on Friday of each week. This homework assignment reviews the reading comprehension skill practiced in Reading Street that week of school. Please read the story and challenge your child with questions about literary elements of the story and the vocabulary.  Students are encouraged to complete the comprehension questions following the story on their own and for these answers to be checked by an adult at home. Please also sign the homework sheet after it has been completed and reviewed. This assignment is due back with the spelling and writing conventions homework the following Friday. 

    Students are also encouraged to read at least 20 minutes daily. A reading calendar will be sent home at the beginning of each month log your child's daily reading minutes. Please send these reading calendars back at the end of each month with the total number of minutes read to include in your child's portfolio! 

    Third-grade students are expected to read 20 minutes each night at home.  Please help remind your child to read each night and to record the minutes read each day on the calendar.  Monthly reading calendars are sent home on the first day of each month and then are due on the last school day of each month as well.

    Monthly reading calendars are sent home on the first day of each month and then are due on the last school day of each month as well. 



    Math Expressions Homework Routine


    Directions for the math homework will be given in class. Students are encouraged to complete the math homework on their own and then for the assignment to be checked by an adult.  Pllease al sign the homework after it has been checked with your child. Math homework is distributed throughout the week Monday-Thursday and is due back the following day. If your child forgets to bring home their homework, your child can access the Think Central website to print a new copy at home.