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Gifted & Talented Program

Academic Program Options for Advanced High Ability Learners

At Okemos Public Schools, we recognize and honor the individual learning needs of each and every student. Our full-time Gifted & Talented Coordinator works with educators and families to identify students' needs, and our high-quality educators provide differentiation and acceleration to support the student’s learning. All of our program options are listed in the building course offerings. An overall summary is provided below:

OPS Math Offerings & Sequence 

Kinawa Middle School

Chippewa Middle School

  • Pre-Algebra (7th-grade students)
  • Algebra 1 (8th-grade students)
  • Algebra 1 Honors (7th-grade students)
  • Geometry Honors (8th-grade students)

Okemos High School (OHS math course flowchart)

  • AP Calculus AB
  • AP Calculus BC
  • AP Statistics

OPS Additional Programming Opportunities

Okemos High School (OHS Course Guide)

  • AP Computer Science
  • AP Computer Science Principles
  • AP Art
  • AP Biology
  • AP Chemistry
  • Honors Physics
  • AP World History
  • AP United States History
  • AP United States Government
  • AP Psychology
  • AP French
  • AP German
  • AP Spanish

Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment allows students to begin taking dual enrollment classes in the 9th grade and continue to take up to ten dual enrollment courses overall in grades 9-12. The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) administers the Dual Enrollment Program. 

MSU GATE Programming

Our close proximity to Michigan State University provides additional opportunities for student learning through the Office of Gifted and Talented Education (GATE). Students can enroll in year-long enrichment programs including Cooperative Highly Accelerated Math Program (CHAMP), Intensive Studies in Humanities, Arts, Language, and Literature (ISHALL), Amo Linguam Latinam (ALL), Michigan’s Accelerated NihonGo for Americans (M.A.N.G.A), Accelerated Chinese Experience (ACE) and Langue pour Etudiants Avances de Francais (LEAF). Some of these courses are offered on a rotating basis. MSU GATE establishes the academic criteria to determine student eligibility.

The CHAMP program was created for students in districts without advanced math programming.  Since the Okemos Public Schools has a strong, full year advanced math program with direct and daily access to our teachers, we generally have fewer students participate in CHAMP. 

Note: These courses are NOT paid for by the district, however, some of our families select these programs to meet the needs of their child.

Middle School Enrollment (Grade 6+): 

  • Students that are completing courses through MSU-GATE will have an open spot in their schedule. Students can choose to:
    • Enroll in an elective of their choice
    • Enroll in an Independent Study
    • Enroll in the core course offered at their building that is associated with the GATE program. 
      • Due to the acceleration of the GATE programs, the District encourages families to consider the workload demands of this option.
      • Students may only earn credit once for a course. For example, completing CHAMP and Algebra I simultaneously will not result in 3 math credits, as Algebra I can only be earned one time.
  • Students are responsible for the Kinawa/CMS content and assignments missed during MSU-GATE classes.
  • Absences are marked as “school related” and do not count toward total absences.
  • Students earn two credits for each year of enrollment. Middle School students may elect to apply credit from these programs to their high school transcript as credit only, indicated by a “G”, and having no impact on the grade point average. 

Okemos High School Enrollment: 

  • Students that are completing courses through MSU-GATE will have an open spot in their schedule. Students can choose to:
    • Enroll in a course of their choice
    • Reduce schedule by one hour
  • Students are responsible for OHS content and assignments missed during MSU-GATE classes.
  • Absences are marked as “school related” and do not count toward total absences.
  • Students earn two credits for each year of enrollment. High School students may elect to apply credit from these programs to their high school transcript as credit only, indicated by a “G”, or as a letter grade. Students may wait until the grade has been issued before indicating their decision on the External Credit Form.

Okemos High School Post-MSU GATE

    • Students who have completed two years of CHAMP should sign up to test out of: 
      • Precalculus (score<77%, recommended for Precalculus; score 77-92% recommended for Calculus; score >92% allowed in AP Calculus AB)
      • Precalculus Honors (score <77% recommended for Precalculus Honors; 77-92% allowed in AP Calculus AB; >92% allowed in AP Calculus BC)
      • If students do not attempt to test out or do not earn a desired score they may take Calculus.
    • It is highly recommended that students plan to continue taking English credits, as colleges are more likely to require that students take English credits each year of high school.  
    • Eligible for AP English, need to contact AP teacher for application
      • Not guaranteed a spot in AP English at Okemos High School if the sections are full with upperclassmen.
      • Could elect to complete AP English on Michigan Virtual University
    • May take senior-level English electives 
    • May take Michigan Virtual English electives
  • LEAF
    • Eligible for AP French, need to contact AP teacher for application
  • ALL
    • Program culminates with AP Latin course
  • M.A.N.G.A
    • Program culminates with AP Japanese course
  • ACE: Chinese
    • Program culminates with AP Chinese course

Wilson Talent Center

The Wilson Talent Center (WTC) currently offers 18 program options for high school juniors and seniors. Students attend WTC for half of a day and spend the other half at their local district. Students have the opportunity to earn high school credit (three credits per year), articulated and/or direct college credit as well as numerous state and national certifications. Programs are either one year or two. We also have many students who choose a one-year program their junior year and take another one-year program their senior year.

We offer programs in 12 different career clusters including:

  • Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources (BioScience Careers)
  • Architecture & Construction (Construction Technology)
  • Arts, A/V Technology & Communications (New Media)
  • Finance (Business & Risk Management)
  • Health Science (Health Foundations, Medical Assistant, CA-Patient Care Technician & Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation)
  • Hospitality & Tourism (Culinary Arts)
  • Human Services (Career Start & Cosmetology)
  • Information Technology (Cybersecurity & Digital Forensics and Programming & Mobile Applications
  • Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security  (Criminal Justice)
  • Manufacturing (Precision Machining and Welding Technology)
  • Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (Engineering Technologies)
  • Transportation, Distribution & Logistics (Automotive Technology)