Recent and accurate information regarding medical risks and effectiveness on contraception shall be presented in an age/developmentally appropriate manner. At the elementary level, contraception will be discussed only in response to direct student questions, using age appropriate definitions and explanations. At the middle school level, contraception will be presented in a brief factual manner in the context of fertilization and the reproductive cycle. Contraception information will be presented at the high school level as students are taught that marriage and parenthood are choices which involve decision-making skills including commitment and social, emotional, and physical and economic responsibilities.
Abstinence from sexual intercourse will be taught as an accepted, preferred, and the safest means of contraception. Sections 1507 of Public Act 1977 states that, "a person shall not dispense or otherwise distribute in a public school a family planning drug or device." Contraception devices will be presented by the instructors in the classroom during the discussion on contraception devices. Instruction will focus on what the device is, what it looks like, how it works, and what it can and cannot do. "Clinical abortion shall not be considered a method of family planning, nor shall abortion be taught as a method of reproductive health," per subsection 1507(8) of Public Act 226 of 1977.