Individualized Educational Program Team Meeting
Based upon the MET report, which identified areas of concern, the IEP Team determines eligibility , and develops an Individualized Education Program (IEP), which includes educational goals for the student and appropriate programs and services. On a yearly basis the IEP Team will meet to review the specific needs of the student and make recommendations for programming.
Participants in the IEP Team meeting have to include the following:
- Parents
- One regular education teacher, if applicable
- One special education teacher, or at least one provider of special education
- One representative of the local school district who is qualified to provide, or supervise the programs/services and is knowledgeable about the general curriculum and has the authority to commit resources
- A person who can interpret evaluation results
- Any other person who you or your local school district wishes to include who have knowledge or special expertise regarding your child, including related services personnel
- The child with disability, whenever appropriate