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Thank you for your interest in the Board of Education for Okemos Public Schools. The goal at each meeting is to conduct necessary business while allowing adequate time for the public to express concerns and opinions. Public participation and open lines of communication are vital to a successful educational environment for our schools. Each meeting has an agenda , which you can find posted here. For additional information, please email the Board of Education or call the Superintendent's Office at (517) 706-5010 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Meet The Board

How to Run For School Board

Are you passionate about education and want to make a positive impact in the Okemos community? Serving on the school board is a rewarding opportunity to contribute to the success of our schools and the well-being of our students.

Learn More   

2024-25 Board Schedule

When the Board Meets

Board meetings will normally be conducted the second and fourth Monday of each month at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Conference Room in the Administration Center located at Mt. Hope and Okemos Road. School board meetings are televised.  Replay of the meetings can be found on The Okemos Channel Video on Demand website . Notice of all meetings are posted in accordance with the Open Meetings Act and are on the district website.

All meetings of the board of education are open to the public except those specifically exempted by law; these closed Executive Sessions may be a discussion of negotiations or certain personnel or student matters.

Public Comment

There are two opportunities for public comment: Citizens who wish to address agenda or non-agenda items will have an opportunity at the beginning of the meeting, as well as near the end of the meeting. Individuals who wish to address the board must complete a blue form, located with the agendas near the room entrance, and present it to the board’s secretary prior to the start of the agenda item.

At the appropriate point in the agenda, the board president will call upon individuals who have completed a blue form.  The board president will call individuals who have submitted a blue card to speak on a topic. Citizens are required to limit comments to three minutes, except when this requirement is waived by the board president during the meeting.  A designated timekeeper will communicate to the individual who is addressing the board at three minutes. The board highly values public comment and input; however, the board meeting format is designed to facilitate the evening’s agenda and, therefore, restricts board members from engaging in conversation with speakers or immediately responding to questions.  Questions and concerns may be addressed by the board later in the agenda and may be assigned for follow-up by the board or superintendent at a later date. Citizens are reminded it is unlawful to mention the name of students when discussing behavior or other incidents.