Notice of Meeting & Agenda
Please take notice that there will be a SPECIAL Meeting of the Board of Education of the Okemos Public Schools, Okemos, Michigan:
Members of the public may contact any Board member in advance of the meeting to provide input or ask questions about the business that will come before the Board. See individual board member e-mail addresses here.
*Please note the Zoom link has recently changed. This will be the new Zoom link moving forward.*
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Place of Meeting:
Community Conference Room ~ Administration Building
4406 N. Okemos Rd. Okemos
Hour of Meeting:
7:30 p.m. Exec Session Only
Most of this meeting will occur in closed session and will not be televised.
Click Here for Meeting Materials
Contact the board: board@okemosk12.netThis agenda is for general informational purposes only. Based on board policy, the board of education may revise this agenda and may take up other issues at the meeting.Board Minutes are Located at: Office of the Board of Education:
4406 Okemos Road
Okemos, Michigan 48864
Andy Phelps, Secretary,
Board of Education
[**If you have a disability requiring a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service, please call the Office of the Superintendent at 706-5002 at least one week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. If this public notice is for a special meeting, the seven-day request will be shortened.]