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Stay connected with Okemos Public Schools and click the button to sign up for the At Large Community Information Service.Join the community information service list
The Okemos Public Schools embraces community involvement in its schools and the sharing of information regarding the district with all of our community members. Furthermore, the district wishes to empower our community to be well-educated and informed in regards to district matters.
To connect with our community, the district is offering an At Large Community Information Service, intended for members of the Okemos community who are not currently receiving district email communications. In other words, those who do not have students in the district but wish to be informed. (Examples: future Okemos families, former Okemos families, senior citizens, other Okemos community members and local businesses)
Note: Current caregivers/parents/guardians for currently enrolled students already receive these communications and therefore, no action is necessary.
If you wish to be included on the district's At Large Community Information Service to receive email communications from the Superintendent's Office, please fill out this form. Opt-ins are processed at the start of each month, so those that opt in mid month will receive communications at the start of the next month.
Once you opt in to this service, you will receive email communications from the Superintendent's office until you ask to be removed from the list. If you have any questions, please contact our Media and Technology Department at 517-706-5624.