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E3 Mental Health Services

What is E3?

Okemos Public Schools has partnered with Child and Family Charities to provide a mental health clinic within Okemos High School.  This opportunity is made possible because of the Expanding, Enhancing Emotional Health (E3) grant through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Adolescent Health Center Division.  The clinic will provide on-site comprehensive mental health services from mild to moderate severity of need.  There will be a full-time therapist at the OHS clinic five days a week and will be able to serve all OPS youth ages 5 to 21 years.   

Many insurance plans are accepted by Child and Family Charities.  There is a sliding fee scale for those without insurance.  Counseling services will be provided regardless of ability to pay.

The intent of the E3 program is to meet the growing mental health needs of young people by providing on-site support and therapeutic care to the K-12 population.  It is important to acknowledge that the E3 Program values parents, youth and school staff as important partners, and their involvement is not only encouraged, but is viewed as a core component of the E3 Program.

Quick Facts About E3

  • OHS has partnered with Child and Family Charities to provide a mental health clinic for students aged 5-21.

  • Funding for the provider and program oversight are provided by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services through the Expanding, Enhancing Emotional Health (E3) Program.

  • The E3 provider at OHS is not licensed to prescribe medication.

  • State law prohibits the prescription of medication to minors without parental consent.

  • Parents are included when services begin unless a student qualifies for and requests to be seen under minor consent.  Per Michigan’s Mental Health Code, MCL 330.1707, parental consent is not required for minors age 14 or older. This is commonly called “minor consent.”  A minor age 14 or older may request and receive up to 12 outpatient sessions or four months of outpatient counseling.

  • If a student indicates they want or plan to harm themselves or another person, the provider is required to notify the appropriate staff within the school and the parent/guardian.

If you have additional questions, please contact Dr. Lara Slee, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (, 517-706-5011). 

Sana Sumbal: Okemos E3 Provider

Frequently Asked Questions