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Pedestrian & Bus Safety


Pedestrian Safety

As the weather improves, more of our students are walking and biking to school. Please remember these safety tips and share them with your students:

Crosswalk Safety:

  • Walk up to the crossing.
  • Stop, look, listen, think.
  • Wait to ensure cars have stopped before stepping off the curb and crossing.
  • Keep looking and listening while crossing.
  • Do not run, ride, or skate across.

Walking Safety:

  • Look both ways before entering the street.
  • Use the signals. Traffic signals are there to help pedestrians communicate with drivers. Utilize the crosswalks at intersections and follow the walk indicators.
  • Be visible. In the dark, wear light-colored clothing and reflective gear to ensure your visibility.

Tips for Drivers:

  • Look out for the advanced warning crossing signs.
  • Be prepared to stop.
  • Remain stationary until all pedestrians are safely out of the crosswalk.
  • Center turn lanes are not to be used for passing lanes.
  • DO NOT overtake any other vehicles stopped at the pedestrian crossing.
  • Look for clues such as safety patrols, crossing guards, bicycles, and playgrounds, that indicate children might be in the area.

Bus Safety:

OPS Bus Rules and Safety


For Drivers:

  • When overhead lights are flashing yellow: prepare to stop.
  • When overhead lights are flashing red: stop.
  • When hazard warning lights are flashing: proceed with caution.
  • Stop at least 20 feet away from buses when red lights are flashing, unless you are driving in the opposite direction on a divided highway.
  • Slow down in or near school and residential areas.
  • Watch for children between parked cars and other objects.
  • Be aware of students exiting the bus and crossing the street.

For Students:

  • Always stay in sight of the bus driver.
  • Don't hurry off the bus. Check traffic first.
  • Don't go back to the bus after exiting.
  • Make sure all traffic is stopped if you have to cross the street.
  • Do not proceed into the road until all cars have come to a complete stop.

Bike Safety

VIDEOBike Smarts - Learn about the joys of biking!
In partnership with Tim Potter, of MSU Bikes, David Pruden, Kinawa Teacher, and OHS, students have produced a series of educational, informative (captioned) videos for our students use while they are at home.
Actor: Francis, Cornell Elementary student
Videographer: Aubrey, MSU Bike's Service Manager & Francis' father