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As the school year approaches, please be advised of important transportation information. Annually, buses are re-routed to address changes in ridership and provide efficiencies. Therefore, bus routes and bus numbers may not be the same as last year, and bus stop locations and times may have changed.

It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to get students to and from the designated bus stop safely and to monitor their child while at the bus stop. Parents/guardians of kindergarten students must be at the bus stop to receive their child at drop-off time.

The first few weeks of school and during inclement weather, buses tend to run late. If a bus is minimally ten minutes late, you may call 706-5050 with questions.

On Early release Wednesday’s the bus will arrive at the designated bus stop approximately two hours earlier (at the end of the day) for K through 12th grades. Parents/guardians of kindergarten children will receive special route times for the early release Wednesday’s.

Please remind your child about appropriate bus behavior and that riding the bus is a privilege. Bus rules are on our website as well as posted on each bus. Please take the time to review them with your child.

Communication is a key element to success whether it is in the classroom or on the school bus. It is important that we communicate together to provide a safe and successful environment for your child while utilizing our transportation system. We appreciate your support and cooperation and look forward to transporting your child this upcoming school year.

School Boundary Lines

Find what elementary school boundary you fall under on the map below by zooming in or typing in your address:


Corrinne Karpinski

Director of Transportation

Contact Corrinne


  • Arrive at the bus stop five minutes prior to designated pick-up time
  • Must stand 10 feet from roadway
  • Drivers will not wait for tardy students
  • May be three students per seat
  • Appropriate behavior is expected
  • Bus pass required for a different bus (obtained from school office and if seat available)
  • Carry-on items must remain on student’s lap (state law)