Lesson Synopsis and Videos

  • 4th Grade Approved Curriculum: Puberty: the Wonder Years 

    LESSON 1: A Climate for Growth

    Students will be able to: 

    • Participate in classroom discussions and related activities in a way that is respectful of themselves, their peers, teachers as demonstrated by active participation in community guideline creation and use of guidelines in discussions.

    • Demonstrate preparation to have a conversation with a parent or other trusted adult about puberty by describing three strategies to prepare for the conversation.

    • Demonstrate preparation to have a conversation with a parent or other trusted adult about puberty by identifying two adults they could engage in conversation. 

    LESSON 2: Families and Roles

    Students will be able to:

    • Demonstrate ways to promote dignity and respect for all types of families by listing at least four characteristics that can make family members unique.

    • Demonstrate appreciation for family members and other trusted adults by listing at least four positive traits for each family member and communicating gratitude to two of these people. 

    LESSON 3: Respecting Our Friends: Gender

    Students will be able to:

    • Define at least three of five terms used to describe gender identity and gender expression during a matching game.

    • Demonstrate the respectful use of at least two gender-related terms while discussing student scenarios that illustrate gender diversity with peers and include respectful body language, words, and tone of voice. 

    LESSON 4: Puberty in Male-Bodied People

    Students will be able to:

    • Describe at least five changes that typically occur in male-bodied people during puberty after viewing a video about puberty.

    • Match at least four out of six terms for the anatomy of the male reproductive system by labeling a diagram.

    • Display their communication skills by talking with a parent or other trusted adult about puberty using the second family activity sheet as evidenced by the adult’s signature on the activity sheet. 

    LESSON 5: Puberty in Female-Bodied People

    Students will be able to:

    • Describe at least five changes that typically occur in female-bodied people during puberty after viewing a video about puberty.

    • Match at least five out of seven terms for the anatomy of the female reproductive system by labeling a diagram.

    • Display their communication skills by talking with a parent or other trusted adult about puberty using the second family activity sheet as evidenced by the adult’s signature on the activity sheet. 

    LESSON 6: Caring for the Changes

    Students will be able to:

    • Explain ways to care for their bodies as they go through puberty by correctly identifying at least three challenges and solutions for personal hygiene.

    • Make a plan for maintaining personal hygiene during puberty that includes at least four ways to care for their bodies.

    LESSON 7: New Life

    Students will be able to:

    • Compare and contrast reproduction in four types of animals by comparing how they are born, their gestation period, and resemblance to parents.
    • Describe three resources human parents and caregivers need in order to provide the care needed by human offspring


    Scope and Sequence for Puberty the Wonder Years

    For more information on the curriculum, please visit www.PubertyCurriculum.com


    Videos for 4th Grade
    Always Changing Puberty Education Program Girls - Procter & Gamble (.wmv or .mp4)
    Let's Talk Puberty for Boys - Disney Educational Productions  (.wmv or .mp4)
    Puberty: A Boy's Journey - Marsh Media (.wmv or .mp4)